Creating a Nominet-Compatible EPP Client - Part 5:
Reading and Writing EPP Messages

The first step in adding support in my EPP client for multiple servers/logins is to replace the while loop with EPP read/write message functions.


In my article Creating a Nominet-Compatible EPP Client I created a simple TLS HTTP(S) client. It doesn't have much functionality, but that is because there is no interaction.

In the follow-up article TCP Sockets in C I created a TCP server which uses a header like EPP does to determine how much it needs to read from a buffer.

I added some more functionality in XML Parsing in C.

I didn't like the idea of passing my EPP key to the program through the use of a command line parameter, or hardcoding it into the source code, so in my last article (Configuration File Parsing in C) I implemented configuration files and the parsing of configuration files.

In this article I am going to show the most recent changes to the source code, as the code from the previous article only supported one login and was stuck in an infinite read loop after that login.

I will also fix some memory leaks, such as using calloc() instead of malloc() and bzero(), and incorporate some of my code from tcp-server.c.

New Functions

I have added two new functions to the program: write_epp_message() and get_epp_message(). The first function writes an EPP header and message to a GnuTLS session, and the second one reads an EPP header and message from a GnuTLS session and returns a pointer to the message.

* Function write_epp_message() converts the length of 'message'
*  to an EPP header, and then sends the EPP header and message
*  to 'session'.
int write_epp_message(gnutls_session_t session, char *message)
	uint32_t buffer_size = 256;
	uint32_t header_size = 4;
	uint32_t buffer_size_chars = buffer_size - 1;
	uint32_t msg_data_length = strlen(message);
	uint32_t position = 0;
	uint32_t remaining_chars = 0;
	int n = 0;
	int res = 0;

	union {
		uint32_t whole;
		char bytes[header_size];
	} msg_length;

	msg_length.whole = msg_data_length + header_size;
	if (msg_length.whole < header_size)
		fprintf(stderr, "Error: Data length less than header size.\n");
		return -1;
	msg_length.whole = htonl(msg_length.whole);

	while (n < header_size)
		res = gnutls_record_send(session, msg_length.bytes + n, header_size - n);
			fprintf(stderr, "Error code %d: %s\n",res,gnutls_strerror(res));
			error_exit("Peer wants to re-handshake but we don't support that.\n");
		else if (gnutls_error_is_fatal(res))
			fprintf(stderr, "Error code %d: %s\n",res,gnutls_strerror(res));
			error_exit("Fatal error during read.\n");
		else if (res > 0)
			n = n + res;

	if (n != header_size)
		error_exit("Unexpected error occured in write_epp_message().\n");

	remaining_chars = msg_data_length;
	printf("Message is %d bytes long.\n", msg_data_length);

	* Loop until position equals msg_data_length.
	while (position < msg_data_length)
		remaining_chars = msg_data_length - position;
		int write_chars;

		* Set read_chars to lower of buffer_size_chars and remaining_chars.
		if (remaining_chars > buffer_size_chars)
			write_chars = buffer_size_chars;
		else if (remaining_chars > 0)
			write_chars = remaining_chars;

		res = gnutls_record_send(session, message + position, write_chars);
			fprintf(stderr, "Error code %d: %s\n",res,gnutls_strerror(res));
			error_exit("Peer wants to re-handshake but we don't support that.\n");
		else if (gnutls_error_is_fatal(res))
			fprintf(stderr, "Error code %d: %s\n",res,gnutls_strerror(res));
			error_exit("Fatal error during read.\n");
		else if (res > 0)
			position = position + res;
	printf("Wrote %d bytes.\n", position);
	return 0;
* Function get_epp_message() reads from 'session' the EPP header,
*  and then reads the EPP data into a character array.
* Returns a pointer to the character array containing the EPP data.
char *get_epp_message(gnutls_session_t session)
	uint32_t buffer_size = 256;
	uint32_t header_size = 4;
	uint32_t buffer_size_chars = buffer_size - 1;
	uint32_t msg_data_length = 0;
	uint32_t position = 0;
	uint32_t remaining_chars = 0;
	int n = 0;
	int res = 0;
	char buffer[buffer_size];

	union {
		uint32_t whole;
		char bytes[header_size];
	} msg_length;

	bzero((char *) buffer, buffer_size);

	while (n < header_size)
		res = gnutls_record_recv(session, buffer + n, header_size - n);
			fprintf(stderr, "Error code %d: %s\n",res,gnutls_strerror(res));
			error_exit("Peer wants to re-handshake but we don't support that.\n");
		else if (gnutls_error_is_fatal(res))
			fprintf(stderr, "Error code %d: %s\n",res,gnutls_strerror(res));
			error_exit("Fatal error during write.\n");
		else if (res > 0)
			n = n + res;

	if (n != header_size)
		error_exit("Unexpected error occured in get_epp_message().\n");

	memcpy(msg_length.bytes, buffer, header_size);
	msg_length.whole = ntohl(msg_length.whole);
	if (msg_length.whole < header_size)
		fprintf(stderr, "Error: Data length less than header size.\n");
		bzero((char *) buffer, buffer_size);
		char *bufferPtr;
		bufferPtr = buffer;
		return bufferPtr;
	msg_data_length = msg_length.whole - header_size;
	remaining_chars = msg_data_length;
	printf("Message is %d bytes long.\n", msg_data_length);

	* Make msg_data large enough to hold entire message.
	char *msg_data = calloc(msg_data_length + 1, sizeof(char));

	* Loop until position equals msg_data_length.
	while (position < msg_data_length)
		remaining_chars = msg_data_length - position;
		int read_chars;
		bzero((char *) buffer, buffer_size);

		* Set read_chars to lower of buffer_size_chars and remaining_chars.
		if (remaining_chars > buffer_size_chars)
			read_chars = buffer_size_chars;
		else if (remaining_chars > 0)
			read_chars = remaining_chars;

		res = gnutls_record_recv(session, buffer, read_chars);
			fprintf(stderr, "Error code %d: %s\n",res,gnutls_strerror(res));
			error_exit("Peer wants to re-handshake but we don't support that.\n");
		else if (gnutls_error_is_fatal(res))
			fprintf(stderr, "Error code %d: %s\n",res,gnutls_strerror(res));
			error_exit("Fatal error during read.\n");
		else if (res > 0)
			memcpy(msg_data + position, buffer, res);
			position = position + res;
			char *end_of_root = NULL;
			end_of_root = strstr(msg_data, "</epp>");
			if (end_of_root != NULL)
				msg_data_length = end_of_root + 6 - msg_data;
	bzero((char *) msg_data + msg_data_length, 1);
	printf("Read %d bytes.\n", position);
	return msg_data;

Both functions are based on the read while loop in established_connection() (in tcp-server.c) although they have been modified so they act more like functions and there is some extra testing performed.

One example of the extra testing being performed is that it isn't assumed that the 4 byte EPP header is read in a single call to gnutls_record_recv() so it has also been placed in a while loop.

Memory Leaks

Some of the code I was using was resulting in memory leaks according to Valgrind.

  • sin6_flowinfo needs to be initalised to 0.
  • sin6_scope_id needs to be initalised to 0.
  • _addrinfo needs to be freed using freeaddrinfo(_addrinfo), and be freed in all code paths.
  • Instead of using a variable length character array (char msg_data[msg_data_length + 1];) followed by memset() (memset(msg_data, 0, sizeof(msg_data));), use calloc() (char *msg_data = calloc(msg_data_length + 1, sizeof(char));).

When using a struct, I have started to initalise it to all zeros (= {0};)

There are undoubtedly more memory leaks on different code paths, but when everything goes down the correct route (i.e. everything is as expected) Valgrind outputs the following using the new code:

==29633== HEAP SUMMARY:
==29633==     in use at exit: 0 bytes in 0 blocks
==29633==   total heap usage: 4,797 allocs, 4,797 frees, 1,346,332 bytes allocated
==29633== All heap blocks were freed -- no leaks are possible
==29633== For counts of detected and suppressed errors, rerun with: -v
==29633== ERROR SUMMARY: 0 errors from 0 contexts (suppressed: 0 from 0)

Using the New Functions

Using the new functions is rather simple once you understand the EPP protocol.

  1. Client connects to server.
  2. Server sends 4 byte "how much to read" EPP header.
  3. Server sends greeting message.
  4. Client sends 4 byte EPP header.
  5. Client sends login message.
  6. Server sends 4 byte EPP header.
  7. Server sends login message response.
  8. Client sends 4 byte EPP header.
  9. Client sends command.
  10. Server sends 4 byte EPP header.
  11. Server sends command response.
  12. Client sends 4 byte EPP header.
  13. Client sends command.
  14. Server sends 4 byte EPP header.
  15. Server sends command response.
  16. Client sends 4 byte EPP header.
  17. Client sends logout command.
  18. Server sends 4 byte EPP header.
  19. Server sends logout response.
  20. Server closes connection.

In other words, you create a TLS connection to the EPP server, and read the greeting message. After that it is a case of send a message to the server and then read the response from the server.

Here is an example, from the updated close_connection() function:

void close_connection(struct login_settings login)
	gnutls_session_t *gnutls_sessionPtr = login.gnutls_sessionPtr;
	gnutls_session_t session = *gnutls_sessionPtr;
	int *connfdPtr = login.connectionPtr;
	int connfd = *connfdPtr;

	char *logoutString = calloc(4096, sizeof(char));
	sprintf(logoutString, "<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"UTF-8\"?>\n<epp xmlns=\"%s\" xmlns:xsi=\"%s\" xsi:schemaLocation=\"%s\">\n\t<command>\n\t\t<logout />\n\t</command>\n</epp>\n", login.xmlns, login.xmlns_xsi, login.xsi_schemaLocation);
	printf("∨∨∨---From Client---∨∨∨\n");
	write_epp_message(session, logoutString);
	printf("∧∧∧---From Client---∧∧∧\n");

	printf("∨∨∨---From Server---∨∨∨\n");
	char *messagePtr = get_epp_message(session);
	printf("%s\n", messagePtr);
	printf("∧∧∧---From Server---∧∧∧\n");

	gnutls_bye(session, GNUTLS_SHUT_RDWR);
	login.gnutls_sessionPtr = NULL;
	login.connectionPtr = NULL;

The write/get message lines above have been condensed here and commented for easier reading:

	// Create a logoutString pointer to a character array, and put the logout string into the character array.
	char *logoutString = calloc(4096, sizeof(char));
	sprintf(logoutString, "<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"UTF-8\"?>\n<epp xmlns=\"%s\" xmlns:xsi=\"%s\" xsi:schemaLocation=\"%s\">\n\t<command>\n\t\t<logout />\n\t</command>\n</epp>\n", login.xmlns, login.xmlns_xsi, login.xsi_schemaLocation);
	// Do something with the logout string before sending it.
	// Write the logout EPP message to the GnuTLS session.
	write_epp_message(session, logoutString);
	// Free the logoutString pointer.

	// Read an EPP message from the GnuTLS session into a character array
	//  and create a pointer to that character array.
	char *messagePtr = get_epp_message(session);
	// Do something with the message.
	printf("%s\n", messagePtr);
	// Free the messagePtr pointer.

The Source Code

Here is the source code of connection.c at the time of writing:

/* Standard Libraries */
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <errno.h>
#include <getopt.h>
/* Socket Libraries */
#include <unistd.h>
#include <netinet/in.h>
#include <arpa/inet.h>
#include <sys/types.h>
#include <sys/socket.h>
#include <netdb.h>
/* GnuTLS */
#include <gnutls/gnutls.h>
#include <gnutls/x509.h>
/* libconfig */
#include <libconfig.h>

#define config_setting_lookup config_lookup_from

* Build (Debian Jessie):
*	* gcc -o connection connection.c -lgnutls -lconfig
* Build (Debian Jessie) with more verbose comments in output:
*	* gcc -o connection connection.c -lgnutls -lconfig -DCOMMENTS

* Global Variables:
*	* LOG_LEVEL: integer between 0 and 9 for setting GnuTLS log level.
*		Set with --gnutls_log_level <level>.
*	* CONFIG_FILE: string containing full path to configuration file.
*		Set with --config <file>.
int LOG_LEVEL = 0;
char *CONFIG_FILE = "";

// Set a maximum number of logins.
int max_logins = 2;
// Create *logins[] - a fixed size array of 2 pointers.
struct login_settings *logins[2];
// logins_iterate() will increase logins_count after each login is parsed.
int logins_count = 0;

struct login_settings
	int enabled;
	int ipv4_only;
	int ipv6_only;
	int keep_alive;
	int tls;
	int objURIs;
	int extURIs;
	int *connectionPtr;
	gnutls_session_t *gnutls_sessionPtr;
	gnutls_certificate_credentials_t x509_cred;
	struct config_setting_t *pointer;
	const char *bind_ipv4_mapped;
	const char *bind_ipv6;
	const char *bundle_file;
	const char *clID;
	const char *hostname;
	const char *lang;
	const char *port;
	const char *pw;
	const char *tls_ca_file;
	const char *tls_ciphers;
	const char *version;
	const char *xmlns;
	const char *xmlns_xsi;
	const char *xsi_schemaLocation;
	const char *objURI[3];
	const char *extURI[19];

struct config_t conf;
struct config_t *config;

void error_exit(const char *msg);

int command_options(int argc, char **argv);
void open_config();
void create_connections();
void close_connections();
void close_connection(struct login_settings login);
void close_config();

int get_root_element_count(config_t *config, char *name, config_setting_t *config_element);
int get_element_count(config_setting_t *config, char *name, config_setting_t *config_element);
int get_config_int(config_setting_t *setting, char *name);
int get_config_bool(config_setting_t *setting, char *name);
const char *get_config_string(config_setting_t *setting, char *name);

ssize_t data_push(gnutls_transport_ptr_t, const void*, size_t);
ssize_t data_pull(gnutls_transport_ptr_t, void*, size_t);
void print_logs(int, const char*);
void print_audit_logs(gnutls_session_t, const char*);
int tls_connection(struct login_settings login);
int make_one_connection(struct login_settings login, const char *address, int port);
int get_ip_from_hostname(struct login_settings login, char *, char *);
int verify_cert(struct gnutls_session_int *);
int write_epp_message(gnutls_session_t session, char *message);
char *get_epp_message(gnutls_session_t session);

void schemas_iterate();
void servers_iterate(int schemaInt, struct login_settings schema_login, struct config_setting_t *schema_element);
void logins_iterate(int schemaInt, struct login_settings schema_login, int serverInt, struct login_settings server_login, struct config_setting_t *server_element);

int main(int argc, char **argv)
	// Parse command line options.
	command_options(argc, argv);

	// Open configuration file into config.

	* Iterate through configuration file recursively via schemas_iterate(), servers_iterate(), and logins_iterate().
	* logins_iterate() populates *logins[].

	// Iterate through *logins[] and create connections.

	// Iterate through *logins[] and close connections.
//	close_connections();

	// Free logins and destroy config.

	return 0;

int command_options(int argc, char **argv)
/* Handle command line parameters */
	int c;
	while (1)
		* Values returned are char, so start at 1001 for long options without short
		*  equivalent so they don't interfere with short options (e.g. 'z' = 122).
		* If a decision is made to later add a short option, change the number in
		*  the array and the case statement for that option (e.g. replacing 1008 with '4'.
		static struct option long_options[] =
			{"gnutls_log_level", required_argument, 0, 1001},
			{"config", required_argument, 0, 1002},
			{"help", no_argument, 0, 'h'},
			{0, 0, 0, 0}

		int option_index = 0;
		c = getopt_long(argc, argv, "h", long_options, &option_index);
		if (c == -1)

		switch (c)
			case 0:
				/* If this option set a flag, do nothing else now. */
				if (long_options[option_index].flag != 0)
			case 1001:
				LOG_LEVEL = atoi(optarg);
			case 1002:
				CONFIG_FILE = optarg;
			case 'h':
				printf("Usage: %s [options]\n",argv[0]);
				printf("  --config <file>\n");
				printf("	Path to configuration file.\n");
				printf("  --gnutls_log_level <value>\n");
				printf("	Whole number between 0 and 9 for setting GnuTLS log level.\n");
				printf("	Default value: 0\n");
				printf("  --help\n");
				printf("	Display this information.\n");


void open_config()
	if (strlen(CONFIG_FILE) == 0)
		fprintf(stderr, "No configuration file specified.\n");

	config = &conf;

	int loaded_config = config_read_file(config, CONFIG_FILE);
	if (loaded_config != 1)
		fprintf(stderr, "Error reading config file %s. Error on line %d: %s\n", config_error_file(config), config_error_line(config), config_error_text(config));

void schemas_iterate(struct login_settings *logins[], int *logins_count, int max_logins)
	* Loop through schemas.
	struct config_setting_t conf_schemas;
	struct config_setting_t *config_schemas = &conf_schemas;
	int schema_count = get_root_element_count(config, "schemas", config_schemas);
	printf("Number of schemas: %d\n", schema_count);

	int schemaInt;
	for(schemaInt = 0; schemaInt < schema_count; schemaInt++)
		struct config_setting_t *schema_element = config_setting_get_elem(config_schemas, schemaInt);
		if (schema_element== NULL)
		struct login_settings schema_login = {0};
		schema_login.bundle_file = get_config_string(schema_element, "bundle_file");
		schema_login.pointer = schema_element;
		printf("schemas[%d].bundle_file = %s\n", schemaInt, schema_login.bundle_file);
		servers_iterate(schemaInt, schema_login, schema_element);

void servers_iterate(int schemaInt, struct login_settings schema_login, struct config_setting_t *schema_element)
	* Loop through servers.
	struct config_setting_t conf_servers;
	struct config_setting_t *config_servers = &conf_servers;
	int server_count = get_element_count(schema_element, "servers", config_servers);
	if (config_servers == NULL)
		fprintf(stdout, "No servers defined for schema %d.\n", schemaInt);
	printf("Number of servers using schema %d: %d\n", schemaInt, server_count);

	int serverInt;
	for(serverInt = 0; serverInt < server_count; serverInt++)
		struct config_setting_t *server_element = config_setting_get_elem(config_servers, serverInt);
		if (server_element == NULL)

		struct login_settings server_login;
		memcpy(&server_login, &schema_login, sizeof(server_login));
		server_login.pointer = server_element;

		struct config_setting_t *server_setting = NULL;

		int server_setting_int = get_config_bool(server_element, "enabled");
		if (server_setting_int == 0)
			fprintf(stdout, "Server %d is not enabled.\n", serverInt);
		else if (server_setting_int > 0)
			server_login.enabled = server_setting_int;
			server_login.hostname = get_config_string(server_element, "hostname");
			server_login.port = get_config_string(server_element, "port");
			printf("schemas[%d].servers[%d].enabled = %d\n", schemaInt, serverInt, server_login.enabled);
			printf("schemas[%d].servers[%d].hostname = %s\n", schemaInt, serverInt, server_login.hostname);
			printf("schemas[%d].servers[%d].port = %s\n", schemaInt, serverInt, server_login.port);

			server_setting_int = get_config_bool(server_element, "tls");
			if (server_setting_int == 0)
				fprintf(stdout, "Server %d is not configured for TLS. This program only supports TLS servers.\n", serverInt);
			else if (server_setting_int > 0)
				server_login.tls = server_setting_int;
				server_login.tls_ca_file = get_config_string(server_element, "tls_ca_file");
				server_login.tls_ciphers = get_config_string(server_element, "tls_ciphers");
				printf("schemas[%d].servers[%d].tls = %d\n", schemaInt, serverInt, server_login.tls);
				printf("schemas[%d].servers[%d].tls_ca_file = %s\n", schemaInt, serverInt, server_login.tls_ca_file);
				printf("schemas[%d].servers[%d].tls_ciphers = %s\n", schemaInt, serverInt, server_login.tls_ciphers);

			server_login.keep_alive = get_config_int(server_element, "keep_alive");
			server_login.xmlns = get_config_string(server_element, "xml.xmlns");
			server_login.xmlns_xsi = get_config_string(server_element, "xml.xmlns-xsi");
			server_login.xsi_schemaLocation = get_config_string(server_element, "xml.xsi-schemaLocation");

			printf("schemas[%d].servers[%d].keep_alive = %d\n", schemaInt, serverInt, server_login.keep_alive);
			printf("schemas[%d].servers[%d].xml.xmlns = %s\n", schemaInt, serverInt, server_login.xmlns);
			printf("schemas[%d].servers[%d].xml.xmlns-xsi = %s\n", schemaInt, serverInt, server_login.xmlns_xsi);
			printf("schemas[%d].servers[%d].xml.xsi-schemaLocation = %s\n", schemaInt, serverInt, server_login.xsi_schemaLocation);
			logins_iterate(schemaInt, schema_login, serverInt, server_login, server_element);

void logins_iterate(int schemaInt, struct login_settings schema_login, int serverInt, struct login_settings server_login, struct config_setting_t *server_element)
	* Loop through logins.

	struct config_setting_t *conf_logins = config_setting_lookup(server_element, "logins");
	if (conf_logins == NULL)
		fprintf(stdout, "No logins defined for server %d using schema %d\n", serverInt, schemaInt);
	int login_count = config_setting_length(conf_logins);
	printf("Number of logins for server %d using schema %d: %d\n", serverInt, schemaInt, login_count);

	int loginInt;
	for(loginInt = 0; loginInt < login_count; loginInt++)
		struct config_setting_t *login_element = config_setting_get_elem(conf_logins, loginInt);
		if (login_element == NULL)

		struct login_settings *loginPtr = NULL;
		loginPtr = (struct login_settings *) malloc(sizeof(struct login_settings));
		printf("Pointer loginPtr: %p\n", loginPtr);
		memcpy(loginPtr, &server_login, sizeof(struct login_settings));
		loginPtr->pointer = login_element;
		loginPtr->bind_ipv4_mapped = get_config_string(login_element, "bind_ipv4_mapped");
		loginPtr->bind_ipv6 = get_config_string(login_element, "bind_ipv6");
		loginPtr->ipv4_only = get_config_bool(login_element, "ipv4_only");
		loginPtr->ipv6_only = get_config_bool(login_element, "ipv6_only");

		printf("schemas[%d].servers[%d].logins[%d].bind_ipv4_mapped = %s\n", schemaInt, serverInt, loginInt, loginPtr->bind_ipv4_mapped);
		printf("schemas[%d].servers[%d].logins[%d].ipv4_only = %d\n", schemaInt, serverInt, loginInt, loginPtr->ipv4_only);
		printf("schemas[%d].servers[%d].logins[%d].bind_ipv6 = %s\n", schemaInt, serverInt, loginInt, loginPtr->bind_ipv6);
		printf("schemas[%d].servers[%d].logins[%d].ipv6_only = %d\n", schemaInt, serverInt, loginInt, loginPtr->ipv6_only);

		loginPtr->clID = get_config_string(login_element, "clID");
		loginPtr->pw = get_config_string(login_element, "pw");

		loginPtr->version = get_config_string(login_element, "options.version");
		loginPtr->lang = get_config_string(login_element, "options.lang");

		printf("schemas[%d].servers[%d].logins[%d].clID = %s\n", schemaInt, serverInt, loginInt, loginPtr->clID);
		printf("schemas[%d].servers[%d].logins[%d].pw = %s\n", schemaInt, serverInt, loginInt, loginPtr->pw);

		* Change login->pw and save to file.
		loginPtr->pw = "newpassword";
		config_setting_set_string(config_setting_lookup(loginPtr->pointer, "pw"), loginPtr->pw);
		printf("schemas[%d].servers[%d].logins[%d].pw = %s\n", schemaInt, serverInt, loginInt, get_config_string(login_element, "pw"));
		config_write_file(config, CONFIG_FILE);

		printf("schemas[%d].servers[%d].logins[%d].options.version = %s\n", schemaInt, serverInt, loginInt, loginPtr->version);
		printf("schemas[%d].servers[%d].logins[%d].options.lang = %s\n", schemaInt, serverInt, loginInt, loginPtr->lang);
		printf("Schema[%d] pointer: %p\n", schemaInt, schema_login.pointer);
		printf("Schema[%d] -> Server[%d] pointer: %p\n", schemaInt, serverInt, server_login.pointer);
		printf("Schema[%d] -> Server[%d] -> Login[%d] pointer: %p\n", schemaInt, serverInt, loginInt, loginPtr->pointer);

		* Loop through objURIs.
		struct config_setting_t *conf_objURIs = config_setting_lookup(login_element, "svcs.objURI");
		if (conf_objURIs == NULL)
			fprintf(stdout, "No objURIs defined for login %d on server %d using schema %d.\n", loginInt, serverInt, schemaInt);
			loginPtr->objURIs = 0;
			int config_objURIs = config_setting_length(conf_objURIs);
			printf("Number of objURIs for login %d on server %d using schema %d: %d\n", loginInt, serverInt, schemaInt, config_objURIs);

			if (config_objURIs > 3)
				fprintf(stderr, "Maximum objURIs hard-coded to %d but there are %d objURIs for schema[%d].server[%d].login[%d].\n", 3, config_objURIs, loginInt, serverInt, schemaInt);
			loginPtr->objURIs = config_objURIs;

			int l;
			for(l = 0; l < config_objURIs; l++)
				struct config_setting_t *objURI_element = config_setting_get_elem(conf_objURIs, l);
				if (objURI_element == NULL)
				loginPtr->objURI[l] = config_setting_get_string(objURI_element);
				printf("schemas[%d].servers[%d].logins[%d].svcs.objURI[%d] = %s\n", schemaInt, serverInt, loginInt, l, loginPtr->objURI[l]);

		* Loop through extURIs.
		struct config_setting_t *conf_extURIs = config_setting_lookup(login_element, "svcs.extURI");
		if (conf_extURIs == NULL)
			fprintf(stdout, "No extURIs defined for login %d on server %d using schema %d.\n", loginInt, serverInt, schemaInt);
			loginPtr->extURIs = 0;
			int config_extURIs = config_setting_length(conf_extURIs);
			printf("Number of extURIs for login %d on server %d using schema %d: %d\n", loginInt, serverInt, schemaInt, config_extURIs);

			if (config_extURIs > 19)
				fprintf(stderr, "Maximum extURIs hard-coded to %d but there are %d extURIs for schema[%d].server[%d].login[%d].\n", 19, config_extURIs, loginInt, serverInt, schemaInt);
			loginPtr->extURIs = config_extURIs;

			int l;
			for(l = 0; l < config_extURIs; l++)
				struct config_setting_t *extURI_element = config_setting_get_elem(conf_extURIs, l);
				if (extURI_element == NULL)
				loginPtr->extURI[l] = config_setting_get_string(extURI_element);
				printf("schemas[%d].servers[%d].logins[%d].svcs.extURI[%d] = %s\n", schemaInt, serverInt, loginInt, l, loginPtr->extURI[l]);

		if (logins_count < max_logins)
			logins[logins_count] = loginPtr;
			fprintf(stderr, "Compiled with only %d maximum logins, configuration file contains at least %d.\n", max_logins, logins_count+1);
			fprintf(stderr, "Please modify 'int max_logins = %d' in source code and recompile.\n", max_logins);

void create_connections()
	int i;
	// Create connection per login.
	for (i = 0; i < logins_count; i++)
		struct login_settings *loginPtr = logins[i];
		struct login_settings login = *loginPtr;
		printf("logins[%d] pointer: %p\n", i, loginPtr);


void close_connections()
	int i;
	// Close connection per login.
	for (i = 0; i < logins_count; i++)
		struct login_settings *loginPtr = logins[i];
		struct login_settings login = *loginPtr;

void close_connection(struct login_settings login)
	gnutls_session_t *gnutls_sessionPtr = login.gnutls_sessionPtr;
	gnutls_session_t session = *gnutls_sessionPtr;
	int *connfdPtr = login.connectionPtr;
	int connfd = *connfdPtr;

	char *logoutString = calloc(4096, sizeof(char));
	sprintf(logoutString, "<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"UTF-8\"?>\n<epp xmlns=\"%s\" xmlns:xsi=\"%s\" xsi:schemaLocation=\"%s\">\n\t<command>\n\t\t<logout />\n\t</command>\n</epp>\n", login.xmlns, login.xmlns_xsi, login.xsi_schemaLocation);
	printf("∨∨∨---From Client---∨∨∨\n");
	write_epp_message(session, logoutString);
	printf("∧∧∧---From Client---∧∧∧\n");

	printf("∨∨∨---From Server---∨∨∨\n");
	char *messagePtr = get_epp_message(session);
	printf("%s\n", messagePtr);
	printf("∧∧∧---From Server---∧∧∧\n");

	gnutls_bye(session, GNUTLS_SHUT_RDWR);
	login.gnutls_sessionPtr = NULL;
	login.connectionPtr = NULL;

void close_config()
	int i;
	// Cleanup before config_destroy()
	for (i = 0; i < logins_count; i++)
		struct login_settings *loginPtr = logins[i];


int tls_connection(struct login_settings login)

	int res;
	gnutls_certificate_credentials_t x509_cred;



	gnutls_session_t session;

	login.x509_cred = x509_cred;
	gnutls_certificate_set_x509_trust_file(x509_cred, login.tls_ca_file, GNUTLS_X509_FMT_PEM);
	printf("CA file: %s\n", login.tls_ca_file);

	res = gnutls_init(&session, GNUTLS_CLIENT);
	if (res != GNUTLS_E_SUCCESS)
		fprintf(stderr, "Error code %d in gnutls_init(): %s\n",res,gnutls_strerror(res));

	gnutls_session_set_ptr(session, (void *) login.hostname);
	login.gnutls_sessionPtr = &session;
	gnutls_server_name_set(session, GNUTLS_NAME_DNS, login.hostname, strlen(login.hostname));

	const char *error = NULL;
	res = gnutls_priority_set_direct(session, login.tls_ciphers, &error);
	if (res != GNUTLS_E_SUCCESS)
		fprintf(stderr, "Invalid Cipher: %s\n",error);
		fprintf(stderr, "Error code %d in gnutls_priority_set_direct(): %s\n",res,gnutls_strerror(res));

	gnutls_credentials_set(session, GNUTLS_CRD_CERTIFICATE, x509_cred);

	char *hostname = (void *) login.hostname;
	get_ip_from_hostname(login, hostname, ip);
	printf("%s resolved to %s\n", hostname, ip);

	char *loginString = calloc(4096 + (1024 * login.objURIs) + (1024 * login.extURIs), sizeof(char));
	sprintf(loginString, "<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"UTF-8\"?>\n<epp xmlns=\"%s\" xmlns:xsi=\"%s\" xsi:schemaLocation=\"%s\">\n\t<command>\n\t\t<login>\n\t\t\t<clID>%s</clID>\n\t\t\t<pw>%s</pw>\n\t\t\t<options>\n\t\t\t\t<version>%s</version>\n\t\t\t\t<lang>%s</lang>\n\t\t\t</options>\n", login.xmlns, login.xmlns_xsi, login.xsi_schemaLocation, login.clID,, login.version, login.lang);
	if (login.objURIs > 0 || login.extURIs > 0)
		strcat(loginString, "\t\t\t<svcs>\n");
		if (login.objURIs > 0)
			int i;
			for (i = 0; i < login.objURIs; i++)
				char *objURI = calloc(1024, sizeof(char));
				sprintf(objURI, "\t\t\t\t<objURI>%s</objURI>\n", login.objURI[i]);
				strcat(loginString, objURI);
		if (login.extURIs > 0)
			strcat(loginString, "\t\t\t\t<svcExtension>\n");
			int j;
			for (j = 0; j < login.extURIs; j++)
				char *extURI = calloc(1024, sizeof(char));
				sprintf(extURI, "\t\t\t\t\t<extURI>%s</extURI>\n", login.extURI[j]);
				strcat(loginString, extURI);
			strcat(loginString, "\t\t\t\t</svcExtension>\n");
		strcat(loginString, "\t\t\t</svcs>\n");
	strcat(loginString, "\t\t</login>\n\t</command>\n</epp>\n");

	int connfd = make_one_connection(login, ip, atoi(login.port));

	int *connfdPtr = malloc(sizeof(int));
	*connfdPtr = connfd;
	login.connectionPtr = connfdPtr;
	gnutls_transport_set_ptr(session, connfdPtr);
	gnutls_transport_set_push_function(session, data_push);
	gnutls_transport_set_pull_function(session, data_pull);

	gnutls_certificate_set_verify_function(x509_cred, verify_cert);

	do {
		res = gnutls_handshake(session);
	} while (res != 0 && !gnutls_error_is_fatal(res));

	if (gnutls_error_is_fatal(res))
		fprintf(stderr, "Error code %d in gnutls_handshake(): %s\n",res,gnutls_strerror(res));

	char *greetingPtr = get_epp_message(session);
	printf("∨∨∨---From Server---∨∨∨\n");
	printf("%s\n", greetingPtr);
	printf("\n∧∧∧---From Server---∧∧∧\n");

	printf("∨∨∨---From Client---∨∨∨\n");
	res = write_epp_message(session, loginString);
	if (res < 0)
		fprintf(stderr, "Failed to send login command.\n");
	printf("∧∧∧---From Client---∧∧∧\n");

	char *messagePtr = get_epp_message(session);
	printf("∨∨∨---From Server---∨∨∨\n");
	printf("%s\n", messagePtr);
	printf("\n∧∧∧---From Server---∧∧∧\n");


	printf("All done!\n");

	return 0;

* Function get_root_element_count:
*	* Returns number (int) of elements in list 'name' in configuration 'config'.
*	* Updates pointer '*config_element' to point to element 'name'.
* config_t *config : pointer to parsed config
* char *name : pointer to name of element
* config_setting_t *conf_element : pointer to element
int get_root_element_count(config_t *config, char *name, config_setting_t *config_element)
	config_setting_t *conf_element = config_lookup(config, name);
	if (conf_element == NULL)
		fprintf(stderr, "No %s found in configuration file.\n", name);
		*config_element = *conf_element;
		return config_setting_length(config_element);

* Function get_element_count:
*	* Returns number (int) of elements in list 'name' in configuration setting 'config_setting'.
*	* Updates pointer '*config_element' to point to element 'name'.
* config_setting_t *config : pointer to parsed config setting
* char *name : pointer to name of element
* config_setting_t *conf_element : pointer to element
int get_element_count(config_setting_t *config_setting, char *name, config_setting_t *config_element)
	config_setting_t *conf_element = config_setting_lookup(config_setting, name);
	if (conf_element == NULL)
		fprintf(stderr, "No %s found in configuration file for this schema.\n", name);
		return 0;
	else {
		*config_element = *conf_element;
		return config_setting_length(config_element);

* Function get_config_int looks up the integer value of 'name'
*  in the configuration setting 'setting' and returns the integer.
* -1 is returned if 'name' does not exist.
int get_config_int(config_setting_t *setting, char *name)
	config_setting_t *setting_pointer = NULL;
	setting_pointer = config_setting_lookup(setting, name);
	if (setting_pointer != NULL)
		return config_setting_get_int(setting_pointer);
		return -1;

* Function get_config_bool looks up the boolean value of 'name'
*  in the configuration setting 'setting' and returns it as an integer.
* -1 is returned if 'name' does not exist.
int get_config_bool(config_setting_t *setting, char *name)
	config_setting_t *setting_pointer = NULL;
	setting_pointer = config_setting_lookup(setting, name);
	if (setting_pointer != NULL)
		return config_setting_get_bool(setting_pointer);
		return -1;

* Function get_config_string looks up the string value of 'name'
*  in the configuration setting 'setting' and returns the string.
* NULL is returned if 'name' does not exist.
const char *get_config_string(config_setting_t *setting, char *name)
	config_setting_t *setting_pointer = NULL;
	setting_pointer = config_setting_lookup(setting, name);
	if (setting_pointer != NULL)
		return config_setting_get_string(setting_pointer);
		return NULL;

* function get_ip_from_hostname is a modified version of:
*	* IPv6 support added, but no preference given.
*	* First A/AAAA IP address listed by DNS resolver will be used.
* Variables:
*	* ipv4off: set to 1 to disable the return of an IPv4 address.
*	* ipv6off: set to 1 to disable the return of an IPv6 address.
int get_ip_from_hostname(struct login_settings login, char *hostname, char *ip)
	struct addrinfo * _addrinfo;
	struct addrinfo * _res;
	int errorcode = 0;
	static int ip_found = 0;

	if (login.ipv4_only == 1 && login.ipv6_only == 1)
		fprintf(stderr, "get_ip_from_hostname error: both IPv4 and IPv6 is disabled.\n");

	errorcode = getaddrinfo(hostname, login.port, NULL, &_addrinfo);
	if (errorcode != 0)
		fprintf(stderr, "getaddrinfo: %s\n", gai_strerror(errorcode));

	for (_res = _addrinfo; _res != NULL; _res = _res->ai_next)
		if (_res->ai_family == AF_INET && login.ipv6_only != 1)
			if (NULL == inet_ntop(AF_INET, &((struct sockaddr_in *)_res->ai_addr)->sin_addr, ip, INET6_ADDRSTRLEN))
				char * ipv4_mapping;
				ipv4_mapping = "::ffff:";
				char * ipv4_mapped = (char *) malloc(strlen(ipv4_mapping) + strlen(ip) + 1);
				strcpy(ipv4_mapped, ipv4_mapping);
				strcat(ipv4_mapped, ip);
				strcpy(ip, ipv4_mapped);
				ip_found = 1;
				return 0;
		else if (_res->ai_family == AF_INET6 && login.ipv4_only != 1)
			if (NULL == inet_ntop(AF_INET6, &((struct sockaddr_in6 *)_res->ai_addr)->sin6_addr, ip, INET6_ADDRSTRLEN))
				ip_found = 1;
				return 0;

	if (ip_found == 0)
		if (login.ipv4_only == 1)
			fprintf(stderr, "Hostname %s only has IPv6 IP address(es).\n", login.hostname);
			fprintf(stderr,  "Unable to connect due to running in IPv4-only mode.\n");
		else if (login.ipv6_only == 1)
			fprintf(stderr, "Hostname %s only has IPv4 IP address(es).\n", login.hostname);
			fprintf(stderr, "Unable to connect due to running in IPv6-only mode.\n");

	return 0;

void print_logs(int level, const char *msg)
	printf("GnuTLS [%d]: %s", level, msg);

void print_audit_logs(gnutls_session_t session, const char *message)
	printf("GnuTLS Audit: %s", message);

void error_exit(const char *msg)
	fprintf(stderr, "ERROR: %s", msg);

ssize_t data_push(gnutls_transport_ptr_t ptr, const void *data, size_t len)
	int sockfd = *(int*)(ptr);
	return send(sockfd, data, len, 0);

ssize_t data_pull(gnutls_transport_ptr_t ptr, void *data, size_t maxlen)
	int sockfd = *(int*)(ptr);
	return recv(sockfd, data, maxlen, 0);

int make_one_connection(struct login_settings login, const char *ip, int port)
	printf("Connecting to %s\n",ip);
	int res;
	int connfd = socket(AF_INET6, SOCK_STREAM, 0);

	char *local_bind_address = (void *) login.bind_ipv6;
	size_t len = strlen(ip);
	size_t spn = strcspn(ip, ".");
	if (spn != len)
		local_bind_address = (void *) login.bind_ipv4_mapped;
	struct sockaddr_in6 local_addr = {0};
	if (connfd < 0)
		error_exit("socket() failed.\n");
	local_addr.sin6_family = AF_INET6;
	res = inet_pton(AF_INET6, local_bind_address, &local_addr.sin6_addr);
	local_addr.sin6_port = 0;
	res = bind(connfd, (struct sockaddr *)&local_addr, sizeof(local_addr));
	if (res < 0)

	struct sockaddr_in6 serv_addr = {0};
	if (connfd < 0)
		error_exit("socket() failed.\n");
	serv_addr.sin6_family = AF_INET6;
	res = inet_pton(AF_INET6, ip, &serv_addr.sin6_addr);
	serv_addr.sin6_port = htons(port);
	res = connect(connfd, (struct sockaddr*)&serv_addr, sizeof(serv_addr));
	if (res < 0)
	return connfd;

int verify_cert(gnutls_session_t session)
	unsigned int status;
	int ret, type;
	const char *hostname;
	gnutls_datum_t out;

	hostname = gnutls_session_get_ptr(session);

	gnutls_typed_vdata_st data[2];

	memset(data, 0, sizeof(data));

	data[0].type = GNUTLS_DT_DNS_HOSTNAME;
	data[0].data = (void*)hostname;
	printf("hostname: %s\n",hostname);
	data[1].type = GNUTLS_DT_KEY_PURPOSE_OID;
	data[1].data = (void*)GNUTLS_KP_TLS_WWW_SERVER;

	ret = gnutls_certificate_verify_peers(session, data, 2, &status);

	if (ret < 0)
		fprintf(stderr, "Error\n");

	type = gnutls_certificate_type_get(session);
	ret = gnutls_certificate_verification_status_print(status, type, &out, 0);

	if (ret < 0)
		fprintf(stderr, "Error\n");


	if (status != 0)
	return 0;

* Function write_epp_message() converts the length of 'message'
*  to an EPP header, and then sends the EPP header and message
*  to 'session'.
int write_epp_message(gnutls_session_t session, char *message)
	uint32_t buffer_size = 256;
	uint32_t header_size = 4;
	uint32_t buffer_size_chars = buffer_size - 1;
	uint32_t msg_data_length = strlen(message);
	uint32_t position = 0;
	uint32_t remaining_chars = 0;
	int n = 0;
	int res = 0;

	union {
		uint32_t whole;
		char bytes[header_size];
	} msg_length;

	msg_length.whole = msg_data_length + header_size;
	if (msg_length.whole < header_size)
		fprintf(stderr, "Error: Data length less than header size.\n");
		return -1;
	msg_length.whole = htonl(msg_length.whole);

	while (n < header_size)
		res = gnutls_record_send(session, msg_length.bytes + n, header_size - n);
			fprintf(stderr, "Error code %d: %s\n",res,gnutls_strerror(res));
			error_exit("Peer wants to re-handshake but we don't support that.\n");
		else if (gnutls_error_is_fatal(res))
			fprintf(stderr, "Error code %d: %s\n",res,gnutls_strerror(res));
			error_exit("Fatal error during read.\n");
		else if (res > 0)
			n = n + res;

	if (n != header_size)
		error_exit("Unexpected error occured in write_epp_message().\n");

	remaining_chars = msg_data_length;
	printf("Message is %d bytes long.\n", msg_data_length);

	* Loop until position equals msg_data_length.
	while (position < msg_data_length)
		remaining_chars = msg_data_length - position;
		int write_chars;

		* Set read_chars to lower of buffer_size_chars and remaining_chars.
		if (remaining_chars > buffer_size_chars)
			write_chars = buffer_size_chars;
		else if (remaining_chars > 0)
			write_chars = remaining_chars;

		res = gnutls_record_send(session, message + position, write_chars);
			fprintf(stderr, "Error code %d: %s\n",res,gnutls_strerror(res));
			error_exit("Peer wants to re-handshake but we don't support that.\n");
		else if (gnutls_error_is_fatal(res))
			fprintf(stderr, "Error code %d: %s\n",res,gnutls_strerror(res));
			error_exit("Fatal error during read.\n");
		else if (res > 0)
			position = position + res;
	printf("Wrote %d bytes.\n", position);
	return 0;

* Function get_epp_message() reads from 'session' the EPP header,
*  and then reads the EPP data into a character array.
* Returns a pointer to the character array containing the EPP data.
char *get_epp_message(gnutls_session_t session)
	uint32_t buffer_size = 256;
	uint32_t header_size = 4;
	uint32_t buffer_size_chars = buffer_size - 1;
	uint32_t msg_data_length = 0;
	uint32_t position = 0;
	uint32_t remaining_chars = 0;
	int n = 0;
	int res = 0;
	char buffer[buffer_size];

	union {
		uint32_t whole;
		char bytes[header_size];
	} msg_length;

	bzero((char *) buffer, buffer_size);

	while (n < header_size)
		res = gnutls_record_recv(session, buffer + n, header_size - n);
			fprintf(stderr, "Error code %d: %s\n",res,gnutls_strerror(res));
			error_exit("Peer wants to re-handshake but we don't support that.\n");
		else if (gnutls_error_is_fatal(res))
			fprintf(stderr, "Error code %d: %s\n",res,gnutls_strerror(res));
			error_exit("Fatal error during write.\n");
		else if (res > 0)
			n = n + res;

	if (n != header_size)
		error_exit("Unexpected error occured in get_epp_message().\n");

	memcpy(msg_length.bytes, buffer, header_size);
	msg_length.whole = ntohl(msg_length.whole);
	if (msg_length.whole < header_size)
		fprintf(stderr, "Error: Data length less than header size.\n");
		bzero((char *) buffer, buffer_size);
		char *bufferPtr;
		bufferPtr = buffer;
		return bufferPtr;
	msg_data_length = msg_length.whole - header_size;
	remaining_chars = msg_data_length;
	printf("Message is %d bytes long.\n", msg_data_length);

	* Make msg_data large enough to hold entire message.
	char *msg_data = calloc(msg_data_length + 1, sizeof(char));

	* Loop until position equals msg_data_length.
	while (position < msg_data_length)
		remaining_chars = msg_data_length - position;
		int read_chars;
		bzero((char *) buffer, buffer_size);

		* Set read_chars to lower of buffer_size_chars and remaining_chars.
		if (remaining_chars > buffer_size_chars)
			read_chars = buffer_size_chars;
		else if (remaining_chars > 0)
			read_chars = remaining_chars;

		res = gnutls_record_recv(session, buffer, read_chars);
			fprintf(stderr, "Error code %d: %s\n",res,gnutls_strerror(res));
			error_exit("Peer wants to re-handshake but we don't support that.\n");
		else if (gnutls_error_is_fatal(res))
			fprintf(stderr, "Error code %d: %s\n",res,gnutls_strerror(res));
			error_exit("Fatal error during read.\n");
		else if (res > 0)
			memcpy(msg_data + position, buffer, res);
			position = position + res;
			char *end_of_root = NULL;
			end_of_root = strstr(msg_data, "</epp>");
			if (end_of_root != NULL)
				msg_data_length = end_of_root + 6 - msg_data;
	bzero((char *) msg_data + msg_data_length, 1);
	printf("Read %d bytes.\n", position);
	return msg_data;

Sample Output

thejc@PC2-JC:~/Scripts/c-epp-client-nominet.git/epp-client(master)$ gcc -o connection connection.c -lgnutls -lconfig -g -DCOMMENTS

When compiled, the following command produces the subsequent output. The configuration file epp.config is that used in a previous article.

Note: The EPP password used here is used for illustrative purposes only and is consistent through this series of articles. It is not my real password.

thejc@PC2-JC:~/Scripts/c-epp-client-nominet.git/epp-client(master)$ ./connection --config epp.config
Number of schemas: 1
schemas[0].bundle_file = /home/thejc/Scripts/epp/nom-std-1.0.9-schemas/nom-root-std-1.0.9.xsd
Number of servers using schema 0: 1
schemas[0].servers[0].enabled = 1
schemas[0].servers[0].hostname =
schemas[0].servers[0].port = 700
schemas[0].servers[0].tls = 1
schemas[0].servers[0].tls_ca_file = /etc/ssl/certs/DigiCert_Global_Root_CA.pem
schemas[0].servers[0].tls_ciphers = NORMAL
schemas[0].servers[0].keep_alive = 59
schemas[0].servers[0].xml.xmlns = urn:ietf:params:xml:ns:epp-1.0
schemas[0].servers[0].xml.xmlns-xsi =
schemas[0].servers[0].xml.xsi-schemaLocation = urn:ietf:params:xml:ns:epp-1.0 epp-1.0.xsd
Number of logins for server 0 using schema 0: 1
Pointer loginPtr: 0xa264c0
schemas[0].servers[0].logins[0].bind_ipv4_mapped = ::ffff:
schemas[0].servers[0].logins[0].ipv4_only = 1
schemas[0].servers[0].logins[0].bind_ipv6 = 
schemas[0].servers[0].logins[0].ipv6_only = 0
schemas[0].servers[0].logins[0].clID = JOHNCOOK
schemas[0].servers[0].logins[0].pw = lh9lHlyDEI5bKmcj
schemas[0].servers[0].logins[0].options.version = 1.0
schemas[0].servers[0].logins[0].options.lang = en
Schema[0] pointer: 0xa2a9f0
Schema[0] -> Server[0] pointer: 0xa2ac50
Schema[0] -> Server[0] -> Login[0] pointer: 0xa2b190
Number of objURIs for login 0 on server 0 using schema 0: 3
schemas[0].servers[0].logins[0].svcs.objURI[0] = urn:ietf:params:xml:ns:domain-1.0
schemas[0].servers[0].logins[0].svcs.objURI[1] = urn:ietf:params:xml:ns:contact-1.0
schemas[0].servers[0].logins[0].svcs.objURI[2] = urn:ietf:params:xml:ns:host-1.0
No extURIs defined for login 0 on server 0 using schema 0.
logins[0] pointer: 0xa264c0
CA file: /etc/ssl/certs/DigiCert_Global_Root_CA.pem resolved to ::ffff:
Connecting to ::ffff:
The certificate is trusted. 
Message is 2626 bytes long.
Read 2626 bytes.
∨∨∨---From Server---∨∨∨
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="no"?>
<epp xmlns="urn:ietf:params:xml:ns:epp-1.0"
		 xsi:schemaLocation=" epp-1.0.xsd">
		<svID>Nominet EPP server</svID>

∧∧∧---From Server---∧∧∧
∨∨∨---From Client---∨∨∨
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<epp xmlns="urn:ietf:params:xml:ns:epp-1.0" xmlns:xsi="" xsi:schemaLocation="urn:ietf:params:xml:ns:epp-1.0 epp-1.0.xsd">

Message is 566 bytes long.
Wrote 566 bytes.
∧∧∧---From Client---∧∧∧
Message is 430 bytes long.
Read 430 bytes.
∨∨∨---From Server---∨∨∨
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="no"?>
<epp xmlns="urn:ietf:params:xml:ns:epp-1.0"
			xsi:schemaLocation=" epp-1.0.xsd">
		<result code="1000">
				Command completed successfully

∧∧∧---From Server---∧∧∧
∨∨∨---From Client---∨∨∨
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<epp xmlns="urn:ietf:params:xml:ns:epp-1.0" xmlns:xsi="" xsi:schemaLocation="urn:ietf:params:xml:ns:epp-1.0 epp-1.0.xsd">
		<logout />

Message is 245 bytes long.
Wrote 245 bytes.
∧∧∧---From Client---∧∧∧
∨∨∨---From Server---∨∨∨
Message is 446 bytes long.
Read 446 bytes.
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="no"?>
<epp xmlns="urn:ietf:params:xml:ns:epp-1.0"
			xsi:schemaLocation=" epp-1.0.xsd">
		<result code="1500">
				Command completed successfully; ending session
∧∧∧---From Server---∧∧∧
All done!

Further Work Needed

This is not much of an EPP client at the moment.

All it can do is connect to a TLS-encrypted EPP server, read the greeting message, send a login command, read the login response, send the logout command, and read the logout response.

I still need to incorporate the clTRID (client transaction ID) code from tcp-server.c, as well as the XML validating/parsing and the writing to logfiles.

I also need to learn about threads so that multiple connections would be supported when input processing is implemented, because at the moment it can handle multiple connections purely because it iterates through each login to create a connection and the connection closes itself down through use of the close_connection() function.

Timers are another thing I need to learn about, as an idle timer is needed (probably resetting itself when send_epp_message() is used) so that keep alive messages (<hello /> commands) are automatically sent to keep the connection alive.

I will also need to implement some form of EPP response code parsing so if, for example, a login command is unsuccessful the program can respond appropriately.

At that point it will be time to add functionality for acting on input. I have not yet decided how I am going to do that, but I am thinking using Redis push/pop might be suitable (not used that in Redis yet).

Other Thoughts

I am also going to need to think about security. While I could assume downstream clients would perform sufficient checking (e.g. that a registrant actually owns a domain), I wonder if there is a way through EPP to obtain a list of all contact IDs and their e-mail addresses (to link multiple contact IDs using the same e-mail address) and then (or at the same time) obtain a list of all domains on those contact IDs.

I could then store that information (possibly after discarding the e-mail addresses to reduce possible data disclosure issues, whether accidental or through cracking), with the domains linked to the contact IDs linked to the registrant's login identifier (i.e. an identifier used on my systems to uniquely identify a "customer").

When acting upon a command from a registrant, I could then check that the identifier issuing the command has control of the domain.

While I cannot find an EPP command that is suitable, Nominet do offer the option through the Web Domain Manager to download a CSV file containing the following values:

contact-id,organisation name,trading name,organisation type,organisation number,contact name,contact email,data quality,opt-out,street1,street2,street3,city,county,postcode,country

The only alternative way to obtain a full list of contact IDs on a tag using EPP would be to iterate through the next 120 months using the EPP list command and the expiry months.

— Nominet (@Nominet) January 4, 2016

With the Automaton you could issue the following command:

operation: list
month: all

That would return all domains on a list (including contact IDs) in a solid-bar separated value list:

Domain Name List follows... 
Domain name|reg-status|registrar-tag|created|changed|expiry|first-bill|recur-bill| auto-bill|
Number of domains in the list: [Number].

Unfortunately, Nominet's EPP Schema states the following:

  <!-- Data types -->
  <complexType name="domainListType">
           <element name="month" type="list:listDateType"/>
           <element name="expiry" type="list:listDateType"/>
     <attribute name="fields" type="list:listFieldsType" default="none"/>

  <simpleType name="listFieldsType">
     <restriction base="string">
        <enumeration value="none"/>          

  <simpleType name="listDateType">
     <restriction base="string">
        <pattern value="\d\d\d\d-\d\d"/>

So no wonder my EPP request (that I doubted would work) for <l:month>all</l:month> failed (as did not specifying an <l:month> or <l:expiry> element)—month all is no longer an option as it isn't in the schema.

While a CSV file obtained through the Web Domain Manager is an option, if more than 50,000 contacts are on your TAG it will be of no use to you as that is the limit imposed. You would also have to shut down your EPP client while you download and import the CSV list.

While this wouldn't ordinarily be a problem for a new TAG holder or a TAG holder with a complete list of all contact IDs on their TAG, it does mean it is impossible to recreate the list if you have a server failure and suffer irrecovable data loss (the EPP list command operates on domains rather than contacts, so a contact without a linked domain will become lost).

There is, of course, the List API tool Nominet mentioned in their tweeted response to me, but since it isn't pure EPP it would mean tacking something that isn't EPP onto an EPP client (not ideal) or shutting down the EPP client while using another tool to use the List API (also not ideal).

Well, I have a CSV file of the domains (and registrant IDs) on my TAG that I downloaded from Nominet's Web Domain Manager, although I don't yet have a user for that information/data.

Atomic Operations

EPP commands are atomic—they either fail or succeed—although some commands may fail after they have succeeded. Techincally, such command responses say the server has successfully received the command but that further action is required (EPP status code 1001).

For example, a registrant may want to transfer a domain to another registrar and the receiving registrar requires handshaking (approval) before accepting a transfer. If the receiving registrar says no (or has not yet said yes) then the domain will still be with the original registrar.

While there are several ways to deal with this in order to keep a database of customer IDs/domains up to date, the easiest way would be with the poll and ack commands.

There is also the EPP <info> command that can provide a lot of useful information in the response, including the <domain:status> element and <domain:roid> element.

What I will need to do is work out how best to deal with these sorts of issues. I'm not even sure if the EPP client itself should be dealing with this sort of thing or if it should simply be a "proxy" between the registrar issuing commands and the registry.

Anyway, that stuff can wait until I have implemented the other functionality from tcp-server.c that connection.c still needs.